
Everything DiSC: Work of Leaders

The Everything DiSC: Work of Leaders assessment and workshop lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and years of additional research and development, this comprehensive workshop focuses on leadership in a one-to-many context. In addition, with one unified model of leadership – vision, alignment, and execution – it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations. For the purpose of exploring leadership in a one-to-one context, we recommend considering the Everything DiSC for Managers workshop.

This workshop also includes the Everything DiSC: Work of Leaders assessment, which is one of the most widely used and well-regarded personality and communication style assessments in the world. Based on the work and theories of psychologist William Moulton Marston, the Everything DiSC assessment has been scientifically proven to be both valid and reliable. After completing the assessment prior to the workshop – a process that only takes about 15 minutes – each learner will receive their unique, personalized report during the workshop, which provides deep insights on key motivators, communication preferences, and behavioral tendencies along with practical, actionable guidance for building more positive and productive workplace relationships and increasing both individual and team effectiveness.

This program is available in instructor-led on-site and instructor-led virtual formats.


Learner Benefits 
  • Receive a personalized Everything DiSC: Work of Leaders report based on their responses to the Everything DiSC: Work of Leaders assessment.
  • Recognize and prioritize their approach to the fundamental work of leaders: creating a vision, building alignment around that vision, and championing execution of the vision.
  • Explore the eight priorities of the Everything DiSC Leadership Map.
  • Identify strategies for developing “preferred behaviors” based on context-specific best practices.


About Our Workshops

Aspire Talent Group’s award-winning professional development, leadership, and team development workshops offer a transformative experience designed to elevate your professional capabilities and team dynamics. Our workshops are crafted to enhance your professional competencies, enabling you to maximize your effectiveness and the capabilities of your team. Participants will gain invaluable insights into modern leadership strategies, communication techniques, and team-building practices essential in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Our interactive workshops will equip you with practical tools and innovative approaches that you can immediately apply in your daily work. Whether you’re an emerging leader or a seasoned professional, our programs will help you unlock your potential and drive meaningful change within your organization.

Contact us today to learn more about how Aspire Talent Group can support you on your path to individual excellence and team synergy, setting the stage for lasting professional success.


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